

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Touchstone is For Sale Now?

The Pre isn't even for sale yet, but it seems that the Touchstone can be bought right now at some Sprint stores.

artap99, an everythingpre forum member, is on the waiting list for the Pre at his local Sprint store. He got a call from the store today letting him know that everything will be on a first come, first serve basis. Plus, they are already selling the Pre accessories.

So naturally artap99 drove over to his Sprint store to check things out, and he was able to buy a Touchstone and the back cover for $49.99. The price is supposed to be $70 for both items, but artap99 was told by more than one sales person that the price was $49.99, so that's what he ended up paying.

If you're planning on buying a Pre, why not call up your local Sprint store and see if they're already carrying the Pre accessories? It sure wouldn't hurt to pick up a Touchstone ahead of time and be ready for your new baby when you bring it home.

[Originally posted at precentral.net]