

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Palm Pre PSA: Run Update, Get 1.02

We know that a ton of you are playing with your new Palm Pre -- congratulations!! While you're doing that, make sure you take a quick moment to head over to the Updates App - if our Pre Phones were any indication, the devices shipped out to Sprint don't have the latest firmware, version 1.02. If you're not connected to WiFi, the Pre will give you a message letting you know that it will download the update in bits and pieces when your phone is "Idle." If you do have WiFi enabled, it'll start sucking that sweet sweet ROM action down right away. Be aware, installing the update requires a fairly lengthy reboot process.

As noted in the comments, some stores had the 1.02 firmware pre-loaded, so if you run Updates and don't get anything -- congrats, you're set!

We'll also take this opportunity to mention that the place to be right now is our very own PreCentral.net Palm Pre Forums. If you're visiting them form your Palm Pre, you might be interested in checking out the mobile version of the forums at http://m.forums.precentral.net. We're still tweaking them a bit here and there to make them a bit more finger-friendly, but if you have suggestions, we're open to them.

[Originally Posted at precentral.net]

SDK Coming Soon? Could Timing Play a Factor?

As they say, when it rains it pours. According to Gearlog (via webOShelp.net), yesterday morning during a Palm press event, Palm's very own Dave Whalen, VP of Global Sales, said that the Palm Mojo SDK is "very close to launch." This news will no doubt excite the many developers who haven't been invited into Palm secret club of the Early Access Program.

What's even more interesting is the timing. Yes, it could just be a quick shout-out to drum out interest an drum up developer interest for the new platform. However, it could also be part of Palm's anti-WWDC strategy. Making the SDK public after Apple's had it's announcements at WWDC would definitely help bring some attention back to the WeboS platform and Pre.

In the meantime, I somehow doubt what's on the App Catalog is all there is for the Pre, prior to the SDK's release. That leaked application list could still prove true if they're released "near launch".

[Originally Posted at precentral.net]

Palm Pre already torn to shreds, estimated to cost $170

Zero-day teardowns are now a staple of major new product launches, and Rapid Repair is eager to do the deed on the Pre just a few hours after going on sale. Word like "pry," "razor," "spudge," and "difficult" all make appearances in this one, so the long and the short of it is that you don't want to try doing this yourself unless you're a microsurgeon, an electrical engineer, or you have a total commitment and willingness to destroy your brand new Pre in the name of science. Overall, Rapid Repair estimates $170.02 in components -- but as always, this figure doesn't mean a lot since you can't quantify the blood, sweat, tears, and poached engineers from competitors that went into this product over the last several ye

[Originally Posted at engadget.com]

Palm Pre available today!

After unveiling Palm Pre at CES in January, we wanted to give you the opportunity to get to know a

few of the people behind the product. Over the past few months, we’ve introduced you to people who

have helped to:

1.Turn Pre from concept to reality
2.complement Pre with breakthrough accessories like the Touchstone inductive charger
3.develop the webOS that powers Pre
4.ensure that the Pre user interface was intuitive and engaging
5.effectively convey the Pre story on palm.com
6.convey the Pre message to everyone through break-the-mold advertising
7.coordinate every facet of launching Pre.

Today, Palm’s first webOS-powered phone -- Palm Pre -- is available on the Sprint Now Network. We

thought this would be a good occasion to give you the chance to “meet” the rest of the team at

Palm. From all of us at Palm, we truly appreciate your enthusiasm -- and your patience -- since

January. We couldn’t have gotten to today without you!

[Originally Posted at blog.palm.com]
[Originally Posted at blog.palm.com]