

Friday, June 5, 2009

Join us for a LIVE video chat about the Pre: 3pm Eastern Today!

Come on back to this very post at 3pm Eastern today. I'll be doing a live video feed (with a surprise guest from the forums!) answering questions from forum members. Our Palm Pre Forums have been the best place to get your nitty gritty Palm Pre questions answered, so we felt it was time to try to give back to our members by helping give more information to them live!

We're expecting there will be too many questions flying in too fast for a regular-style chat window, so here's how it will work. Head on over to this thread in our Palm Pre forums to post your questions. I'll answer them and then hit refresh to get to the next ones -- more sanity for everybody. :) To make things easier, we've also put the video on this very light page so you can load it up in a separate window and have open next to the thread.

We'll see you at 3 -- well, actually, you'll see me, but you get the idea.

p.s. I'm also on the clock to answer all the questions in this massive "Help Us Review the Pre" thread -- will have those next week.

[Originally Posted at precentral.net]