

Friday, May 22, 2009

No SERO plan for Palm Pre say Sprint

Sprint have confirmed that SERO plan subscribers will have to choose between their coveted tariff and the Palm Pre. The decision means that existing users may have to pay twice as much for unlimited data, and in fact receive fewer inclusive minutes.

SERO - or Sprint Employee Referral Offer - was a scheme in which those customers referred by a Sprint employee could have access to 500 minutes, unlimited text messaging and unlimited data for just $30 per month. New sign-ups to the plans are no longer allowed, with the more expensive (and still referral-only) Everything Plus plan taking its place.

“The Pre requires an Everything Data plan - SERO plans will need upgrade to Everything Plus plan or other Everything Data (450/900/S.E.)” Sprint tweet

The hope had been that SERO subscribers would be able to upgrade to the Palm Pre without changing their tariff. That, unfortunately, is not the case; an Everything Data plan is required with the Pre, unless you have an Everything Plus subscription. Everything Data starts from $69.99 per month for the 450 plan.

[Originally posted at palmpretouchphone.com]