

Monday, May 18, 2009

The summer of the smartphone; Release Date First Week of June?

A new piece in the New York Times is out to lay the foundation of what they say “could be potentially the most exciting time in [the mobile phone] market.” This summer is indeed shaping up to be an interesting one in the smartphone market, with at the very least a new iPhone, a handful of Android phones, probably a few new BlackBerries, and of course, the Palm Pre, set to land in the hands of users between Memorial Day (next Monday) and Labor Day (September 7).

While much of the article goes over things that we already know (Palm’s losing buckets of money every quarter, Sprint’s not in a great position either, the smartphone market is ripe for expansion, etc), they did lend some credence to the current strongest release date rumor:
"But the season’s most compelling phone drama will start the first week in June, when Sprint will begin selling the Palm Pre, people briefed on the company’s plans said."

As in June 5th or 7th, the two dates we've been hearing fairly consistently lately. Hopefully we’ll be getting some sort of confirmation from Sprint and Palm on that very soon...

[Originally posted at precentral.net]

Buy Now Button appears for Palm Pre?

A New Image Spotted in Wild with Buy Now Button of Palm Pre.

Have a Look....

Sprint Palm Pre Page Now Up and running!!

Hi all Sprint Palm Pre Page Now Up an running!!

SO expecting Pre Sooooon. Cant Wait!!!!

Please find the Link Here

Sprint Palm Pre Webinar - Q&A - Sprint Plans-Video

Sprint Palm Pre Webinar - Q&A - Sprint Plans

Spotted in the Sprint website Enjoy watching

Brits will buy Palm Pre over iPhone and HD Zune in the UK

Electricpig.co.uk, the UK tech news website that powers the technology section on Mirror.co.uk has conducted a poll on which gadget the readers would buy this summer.

Surprisingly for me Palm Pre came out on top with a staggering 83% leaving the new iPhone and Zune HD so far behind that they are now little dots compared to the Pre! Why was I surprised (because Pre is awesome, you will say!)? WELL, I am in the UK and Palm has not even began its marketing campaign here. We are yet to find out which network operator will sell the Pre and, most notably, I am still getting the same answer to my questions in all mobile shops “Errmmm… Palm what? We don’t stock WinMo devices”. *Sigh*

PAAAAALM! Can you give us some more UK news? Look how much we want the Pre!

[Originally posted at palmwebosblog.com]

Palm Pre is out! The wait is over! Launch on Sprint and O2

Palmwebosblog posted this post have a look is it true????

We have been waiting for this day for months and it’s finally here! We have a confirmation that Palm Pre is launching today in the US and in the UK! Sprint and O2 have rolled out a full-on marketing campaign and Palm Pre adverts are all over London! I am currently queueing outside the O2 store to get my hands on the Pre! The unexpected launch is due to Apple’s announcement yesterday that iPhone 4g is launching on 27 April. The price of the Pre is $199 and £149 on 2 year contract with unlimited data plan.

A full hands-on review of the GSM Pre will follow shortly. I am so excited and hope that Pre stocks won’t run out as the queue is huge!

Oh, by the way, UK gets a choice of the silver Pre!

[Originally posted at palmwebosblog.com]

EXCLUSIVE: Palm Pre in Sprint’s online shop, price confirmed £199

We just got a bullseye hit on twitter with Joshua Peters posting a screenshot of the Sprint’s website showing Palm Pre in full glory. The full price of the handset is $549 but after saving of $250 and $100 mail-in rebate it will leave you with the price of $199 for the Pre on 2-year contract.

I could not get the same choice on Sprint’s website no matter what zip code I would enter, however, if this is real then Palm Pre may be released earlier that expected.

Let us know if you have any luck in getting the Pre to show up as one of the choices in Sprint’s online shop!

Update:It is Confirmed as photoshoped :(
[Originally posted at palmpretouchphone.com]

Maxim on the Pre: the future is awesome

In the June 2009 issue of Maxim Magazine, nestled amongst articles on the ridiculously attractive Moon Bloodgood, Megan Fox, and Katie Cassidy readers will find a page on technology - this month with a whole page devoted to the Palm Pre. While Maxim didn’t have any new info on the Pre to share with us, they, like just about everybody else, were psyched by the device as well, but in their own special way...

“Unless the girls you’re into get turned on by your holster-festooned belt, carrying two phones sucks. But slinging to cellies has been a necessary way to keep your personal and professional lives in check. Until the Pre, that is. Palm’s new smartphone merges a BlackBerry-ish ease of typing with the “holy ****, that’s cool” factor of the iPhone and promises to reduce the number of extraneous bulges in your pants to just one. Its OS seamlessly merges all your digital calendars and contacts, your personal and corporate exchange e-mail, even Facebook - while eliminating duplicate entries.

And the Pre has the ability to run more than one application at a time, something even the almighty iPhone still can’t handle. Basically this means you can be listening to Internet radio and be playing Bejeweled while you use the slide-out QWERTY keyboard to send emails to your boss about how you’re stuck in traffic but will be in soon. Man, the future is awesome.”

Maxim also threw together a humorous chart tracking how you use your phone’s speed-dial, check it after the break.

The June 2009 issue of Maxim Magazine is on shelves now. Enjoy.

[Originally posted at precentral.net]