“Unless the girls you’re into get turned on by your holster-festooned belt, carrying two phones sucks. But slinging to cellies has been a necessary way to keep your personal and professional lives in check. Until the Pre, that is. Palm’s new smartphone merges a BlackBerry-ish ease of typing with the “holy ****, that’s cool” factor of the iPhone and promises to reduce the number of extraneous bulges in your pants to just one. Its OS seamlessly merges all your digital calendars and contacts, your personal and corporate exchange e-mail, even Facebook - while eliminating duplicate entries.
And the Pre has the ability to run more than one application at a time, something even the almighty iPhone still can’t handle. Basically this means you can be listening to Internet radio and be playing Bejeweled while you use the slide-out QWERTY keyboard to send emails to your boss about how you’re stuck in traffic but will be in soon. Man, the future is awesome.”
Maxim also threw together a humorous chart tracking how you use your phone’s speed-dial, check it after the break.
The June 2009 issue of Maxim Magazine is on shelves now. Enjoy.
[Originally posted at precentral.net]