

Monday, May 18, 2009

Brits will buy Palm Pre over iPhone and HD Zune in the UK

Electricpig.co.uk, the UK tech news website that powers the technology section on Mirror.co.uk has conducted a poll on which gadget the readers would buy this summer.

Surprisingly for me Palm Pre came out on top with a staggering 83% leaving the new iPhone and Zune HD so far behind that they are now little dots compared to the Pre! Why was I surprised (because Pre is awesome, you will say!)? WELL, I am in the UK and Palm has not even began its marketing campaign here. We are yet to find out which network operator will sell the Pre and, most notably, I am still getting the same answer to my questions in all mobile shops “Errmmm… Palm what? We don’t stock WinMo devices”. *Sigh*

PAAAAALM! Can you give us some more UK news? Look how much we want the Pre!

[Originally posted at palmwebosblog.com]