

Monday, June 8, 2009

Remote erase bricks Palm Pre

tnkgrl in her forum posted the following post, So Palm Pre user be aware of this issue!!!!!!!1

Well I no longer have a Palm Pre – until tomorrow, anyway…

Why? I was forced to activate my Pre after purchase while at the Sprint store, which robbed me from enjoying (and documenting) the “first run” experience. To remedy this and out of curiosity, I tried doing a remote erase instead of using the reset functionality on the phone.

Unfortunately, this bricked my Pre instead of resetting it!

A Palm representative kindly picked up my Pre, and is reflashing it overnight. As much as I’m impressed with Palm making a house call, perhaps the “Erase Device” button above should be relabeled “Disable Device”?

I’m pretty bummed to be without my Pre within 12 hours of picking it up :/

That Huge Facebook Set for Palm Pre? The Commercial is Now Released!

Remember that HUGE Facebook set that was built and leaked a while back and was speculated for the Palm Pre? Well it is officially out and it the Palm Pre/Facebook commercial touting the Palm Pre as the phone for use with Facebook. The ad features celebrity Joann Gikas singing with her band.

[Originally Posted at prethinking.com]

Missing Sync for Palm Pre allows Mac and PC users sync information.

The Missing Sync for Palm Pre works with Palm Synergy so that contacts from Address Book on your Mac can be viewed together on your Pre in a single list that links them with contacts from Google and Facebook accounts. Calendars from iCal can be viewed or layered together in a single view with other calendars. Synchronize contacts and calendars automatically and wirelessly, via WiFi. Transfer and sync music, ringtones, photos, files, and videos fast with a USB cable. Missing Sync is not yet released but we will let you know when it comes out.

[Originally Posted at prethinking.com]

Sprint Says Palm Pre is Exclusive to Sprint for Longer Than 6 Months

At the Palm Pre launch event in New York on Friday, CNET editor Maggie Reardon interviewed Sprint CEO Dan Hesse, who explained that the Palm Pre is exclusive to Sprint for longer than the six months recently reported. Hesse also talked about what Sprint thinks makes the Pre a unique product and answered the question of whether Sprint will ever get the iPhone.

[Originally Posted at prethinking.com]