

Friday, June 12, 2009

Rooting the Palm Pre and the webOS

This has been a long day full of Palm Pre webOS rooting news. Many of the contributors over at precentral and others around the world, have been up half the night and most of the day working with the Root system of the Palm Pre. The guys over at http://predev.wikidot.com/ have already posted a YouTube video of how to exactly Root the Palm Pre.

The written procedures are below:


1.Download the WebOS image
2.Rename this file to .zip, and extract it
3.set the Konami code on your pre (upupdowndownleftrightleftrightbastart), and put it into dev mode. Plug it into your windows laptop after it's booted
4.Run the driver installer from the extracted file, it is: webosdoctorp100ewwsprint/resources/NovacomInstaller_x86.msi
5.Install Python 2.6
6.Get the rooter from subversion: http://svn.saurik.com/repos/webos-dev/trunk/rooter/
7.Run talk.py inside of the rooter in subversion, it'll output a bunch of lines. If you see an error, join the irc (irc.freenode.net #webos-internals)
8.Turn on the wifi on your pre. Get your pre's IP address, and you can telnet into it (username: root)

Mac OS X:

1.Download the WebOS image
2.Rename this file to .zip, and extract it
3.untar resources/NovacomInstaller.pkg.tar.gz (tar -xzvf)
4.run NovacomInstaller.pkg
5.click through the installer
6.put your Pre in dev mode following instructions above
7.connect to your mac via USB cable ( no need to select a mode, doesn't seem to matter )
8.cd /opt/nova/bin
9. ./novaterm
10.At this point you should have root

[Originally Posted at rethinking.com]