

Monday, May 11, 2009

Palm Pre TouchStone Kit Accessory Spotted in Best Buy Inventory, Priced at $69.99

Would you pay $70.00 for a mobile phone charger? Well apparently Palm thinks so, the Palm Pre TouchStone Kit has appeared in the Best Buy inventory management system priced at 70 big ones. To be fair, the TouchStone Kit is somewhat of a technological marvel - it wirelessly charges your Pre through the use of a magnetic induction charger.

Will most people end up forking up $70 to eliminate a wire? Probably not - so lets just hope a much cheaper wired option will still be available. It’s also worth mentioning that some other accessories were spotted in the Best Buy inventory as well including 3 acrylic cases, a leather case, and a case simply labeled “Palm Pre Case”.

[Originally posted at palmpreblog.com]