

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Meet “Google Maps” on the Pre

It’s no secret that there will be a Google Maps app on the Pre but the question is, is it any good? Yes! As good as the iPhone’s? Maybe better. (Certainly faster) The same functionality is there, the app just seems to respond a little better, snappier on the Pre. Given that I didn’t build it, I can’t tell you why that is… but I can show you how it works.

Launch the app and it should default to map view but a quick tap on the “Menu” button will allow you to switch over to satellite view. Wondering what that blue dot is on the map? That’s the phone’s location obtained from the GPS. All I had to do to obtain that was click on the button right next to the “Menu” button down at the bottom right.

[Originally posted at palmgoon.com]