4Cast, Agendus, AgExpert, Astraware Sodoku, Astraware Solitaire, Bejeweled 2, Date Wheel, DateBk, Diet, eReader, Facebook, Google Maps, GTS Racing, Handy Shopper, iSilo, Kinoma Player, OnTime RX, Oxford Dictionary, PalmaryClock Wireless, Pocket Quicken, Pocket Tunes, Resco Backup, Resco Explorer, Sales Trakker, Splash ID, Splash Money, Splash Photo, Splash Shopper, TB Tx, Tide Tool, TouchLauncher, Trip Boss, Warfare Inc, Weather, and Zuma
Also, a reminder: PreCentral is giving away ten copies of Classic - all you have to do to be entered is head over to this thread and tell us what your favorite Palm OS application!
[Originally posted at palmpretouchphone.com]